Owner’s Representation

With today’s business focus on the “bottom line”, many business owners who own/lease and occupy commercial real estate are electing to outsource many construction management and ownership responsibilities to third party professionals who deal with such activities on a full time, day to day basis.  Many companies do not have the in-house management, staff or expertise to facilitate and successfully execute construction projects let alone plan facility - expansion, renovation and relocation projects.

Acting as an Owner’s Representative, Powers can step in and:

  • Evaluate and define a client's physical office space needs and requirements by completing a needs assessment evaluation
  • Develop and tailor a strategy, business plan, budget and time-line
  • Identify and assemble a team of professionals to implement and execute the business plan from conception to completion
  • Coordinate, supervise and complete the expansion, renovation or relocation project on time and on budget. 

By taking the necessary time (upfront) to listen to our client’s specific needs, Powers helps the client define their vision and goals.  Powers is able to tailor a practical, cost efficient solution to the client’s physical needs while at the same time managing financial resources and adapting to challenges and constraints.